
Beware mixing Tasks with async/await

I recently came across an issue within a pipeline of asynchronous method calls where an attempt to deserialize a response from json to a known type may throw an exception, usually when the response is not json. For example, this may be the case when using something like nginx as a proxy for authentication purposes and failed authentication returns a HTML page. A simple reproducible example would be

void Main()

async Task MainAsync()
    var result = await TryDeserializeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);    

Task<double?> TryDeserializeAsync()
    try { 
        return DeserializeAsync(); 
    catch {
        // swallow any exceptions thrown.
    return null;

async Task<double?> DeserializeAsync()
    await Task.Delay(100);
    throw new Exception("Serialization error");

Here we await TryDeserializeAsync() which in turn calls the actual DeserializeAsync() implementation, swallowing any exception that may occur in deserialization and simple returning null. That's the plan anyway.


C# 5 asynchronous programming

If you missed Anders Hejlsberg talk on the Future directions for C# and Visual Basic, go check it out now, I’ll wait.